Artwork Shipping

Trust Your Next Art Shipment To The Experts

The Mona Lisa, your 5-year-old’s ceramic giraffe, a miniature statue of David, an Andy Warhol painting—a hand-blown bowl—it’s all artwork and requires special handling and packaging for shipping.

Did you know that anything shipped via UPS, FedEx, DHL or the US Postal Service must be packed well enough to sustain a 3-foot drop without breaking?

The staff at Box Brothers San Diego is expertly trained in all aspects of packaging, and we specialize in packing and shipping artwork. We stock special boxes made specifically for framed art and dozens of other box sizes, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, tape, and other tools and materials that allow us to pack and ship your artwork to withstand any abuse the carriers might ‘throw’ at it. And if we pack it for you, we guarantee it for insurability

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What We do

Shipping, Packing, Wood Crating and Palletizing Services

Box Brothers San Diego is an independently owned and operated packing, shipping, printing, and business services center in San Diego, CA. We are professionally trained experts and members of the San Diego community dedicated to providing Super-Star Customer care in a convenient, efficient, and friendly environment.

Box Brothers

Your one-stop-shop for dozens of business products and services that will allow you to do what you’re good at while we take care of the “other stuff” you need to succeed.


Box Brothers San Diego
7274 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
San Diego, CA 92111
Box Brothers La Jolla
1130 Wall St
La Jolla, CA 92037